Friday, 24 April 2009

Star Trek out in may?

As most of you are already aware i'm a serious star trek lover, from the orginal series right the way through to the new "enterprise" series which I do have different opinions on that but I'll write about that later.

This new star trek film that everyone seems to be going on about seem's to be about a time traveler screwing the time line up again, am I the only one seeing a repeating pattern here? I mean seriously how many times do we want someone to screw with the time line and then fixe it again, by my count (correct me if i'm wrong) theres sevral episodes in each series (not including enterpris since the entire series reaks of it.) then you've got the films voyage home, and first contact, and now we've got another time travel film. I think enough is enough, if you can't bring fresh meat to the frenchise let it die down for a while. It's going to be killed even before it's released at one point.